Ceipal: A PCRecruiter Alternative

Are you ready to start getting more out of your ATS and HCM? Look no further than Ceipal, a PCRecruiter alternative that users rate as the #1 ATS and #1 Staffing Software on G2.

Ceipal offers more

Scores Sourced From G2 on 01/03/2024. Click the image to see today's rankings!

Alternatives to PCRecruiter

Still not sure that Ceipal is a viable alternative to PCRecruiter? Give it a try, with a 14-day free trial. We assign you an account manager from day one who will work with you to transfer your data and help get you started. If you don’t find it to be the right solution for you, that’s okay; we’ll help you get your data out of it, too. We want you to use Ceipal because you love it, not because your data is stuck in it.

Get FREE Data Migration When You Switch
alternatives to PCRecruiter

Why Choose Ceipal Instead of PCRecruiter?

Ceipal understands that companies are more productive when everyone is working together. That’s why we offer both talent acquisition as well as comprehensive workforce management in the same platform.  By being more than just an ATS or HCM, Ceipal provides deep, personal insights into all company metrics. It’s designed to automate your day-to-day processes while giving you new tools to effectively manage your workforce.

Ceipal offers more

Information sourced from GetApp as of 01/03/2024. Click here to see the full Ceipal vs. PCRecruiter comparison.

Get FREE Data Migration with Ceipal

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Fair & Transparent Pricing

Ceipal provides fair pricing

Please contact us for personalized pricing information

See Why Users Love Ceipal


We believe integrations can make or break your workflow, which is why Ceipal integrates with

  • 25+ job boards,
  • 30+ VMS Portals, and
  • dozens of productivity apps.

That’s more than many of our competitors. Why? Simple; we want you to work with the tools you already know and love.


At Ceipal, we believe you get what you pay for. And that doesn’t mean that we offer more features if you pay more and more money, no, that means we give you everything you need and only charge you per user. We always promise to offer fair pricing for all of our features.  

Self Service

Get greater employee management with Ceipal. Our employee self-service portals allow all employees to:

  • view company documents,
  • raise and escalate requests, and
  • keep track of their holidays, PTO, and sick time.