Qualified Recruiter Gets Exclusive Access to 1,000 New Placements with Ceipal's Business Intelligence
The team at Qualified Recruiter is exemplary, working hard and consistently hitting their numbers and goals. But, Qualified Recruiter’s Founder & CEO, Greg Frick, was looking for a data-driven approach to business management to turn ‘good’ into ‘great’.
“As a business owner, it’s my job to identify places we can improve so we can grow even more,” said Frick. He wanted to monitor big-picture business while having the freedom to drill down into details as needed. So, he and his team turned to the best place to find data: their ATS.
The Ceipal Impact
100+ KPI Reports
75% Overhead Cost Savings
Customizable BI Reports
Qualified Recruiter's Challenge
There was one major problem when it came to relying on their ATS for analytics - the data they needed wasn’t there at the granular level they needed to be productive.
“The ATS didn’t give me the data I needed,” said Frick. “I was resorting to spreadsheets to get decent analytics. It was incredibly annoying.”
Qualified Recruiter suffered from a number of challenges, including:
- Lack of Business Intelligence. “I needed to learn how the business was doing—not on a quarterly basis, or even a monthly basis, but literally from a day-to-day perspective,” said Frick.
The challenge was that Qualified Recruiter’s ATS didn’t provide those analytics. The built-in reporting capabilities were very limited, failing to provide basic KPIs (e.g., # of placements per recruiter per day). What’s more, the system’s functionality did not allow Frick to build his own reports.
- Price. Frustrated by the lack of business intelligence provided by the ATS, Frick took a step back to evaluate what value the software delivered. He quickly concluded it delivered very little value for its price.
“It’s human nature to assume that if you’re paying for something, the value equals the price,” said Frick. “Unfortunately, that just wasn’t the case here.”
The Ceipal Solution
Frick and his team began searching for a new ATS that could fit their needs.
“As we looked, I only cared about two questions,” said Frick. “One: will this ATS enable my recruiters to be as efficient as possible? And two: will this ATS give me the visibility I need to successfully run my business?”
With Ceipal, Qualified Recruiter found an ATS that could do both.
“The tool gave me unprecedented visibility, it made my recruiters happy, and it saved us money in the process,” said Frick. “Ceipal is helping our business succeed, no questions asked.”
Here are a few ways Ceipal won over the Qualified Recruiter team:
- Dynamic Business Intelligence. Ceipal's Business Intelligence Module was a huge value driver for Frick and his team. “Not only was the platform equipped with excellent built-in reports,” said Frick, “it also let me customize any report I wanted. I could get the exact numbers I needed on demand.”
Because business intelligence was so important, Frick actually had his developers dive into the Ceipal platform to evaluate its BI module. “Everyone concluded that it performed phenomenally,” said Frick. “I had the visibility I needed to drive the business forward.”
- Cost Savings. “For the business intelligence Ceipal offered, we were willing to pay a high price,” said Frick. “But it was a really nice bonus that Ceipal was significantly less expensive than other systems.”
Productivity-Enhancing Results
With increased insight thanks to Ceipal's BI, Frick took a new approach to business management. “In a few clicks, I can see if my team is hitting their numbers. And if they’re not, I can immediately identify the bottlenecks and challenges, and then resolve them,” said Frick.
Thanks to Ceipal, Qualified Recruiter’s productivity increased significantly. “People do what you measure,” said Frick. “So, I started measuring how many submittals our recruiters did per day. As a result, they started making more submittals and our performance skyrocketed.”
Because Qualified Recruiter was performing so well, their client relationships greatly improved. So, when clients needed suppliers to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine, they looked to Qualified Recruiter.
“Along with a few select suppliers, we had exclusive access to over 1,000 positions,” said Frick. “We’ve made a significant number of placements, and our overall profitability has increased as a result. We got this opportunity because we were performing at a high level. And we were performing at that level because day-to-day, we monitored our recruiters and made sure we were doing our jobs. Ceipal helped us do that.”
And the best part? Not only was Qualified Recruiter able to increase their productivity and take on new work—they were able to save money while doing it. With its subscription-based model and low price tag of $24/seat, Ceipal was able to save Qualified Recruiter 75% on overhead costs.